2 Architecture and Music Library (ARMUS)
The Architecture and Music Library (ARMUS) is located on level 3 of the Zelman Cowen Building (#51), UQ St Lucia Campus. If you wish to visit the ARMUS Library please check the Library opening hours.
Learn more about using the library on our Services for Students page.
The ARMUS Virtual Tour
This interactive virtual tour of the ARMUS Library highlights key features and services.
Navigating the tour
Move to new scenes by clicking the arrow.
View further information by clicking the + icon.
Experience the 360-degree panorama of the ARMUS foyer by clicking and dragging the image.
Expand the virtual tour to full screen using the icon in the top right corner.
Navigate back to the previous scene using the arrow in the top left corner.
Finding Books in ARMUS Library
Print books in ARMUS (and other branches of the UQ Library) are organised by the Library of Congress (LC) classification system. This means books are grouped by theme or subject and are allocated a call number (a set of identifying letters and numbers). You will need to note down the call number to find the book on the shelf.
For example:
The Garland Handbook of Southest Asian Music has the call number ML330.G37 2008.
The Library Team and Library Staff
If you have questions about researching and referencing contact the Librarian team via email or book a consultation.