10 Books
Books are an invaluable source and can provide you with detailed information ranging from broad areas of study right down to very focused topics. They come in two main formats: print (physical copies) and ebooks (electronic copies). Books you might use in your research cover a vast range of topics and areas, including:
- textbooks
- biographies of composers or artists
- critical texts on a period or composer
- analytical studies
- anthologies or series.
Use the drop-down menu in Library Search to find both print and ebooks.

Monographs vs Edited Books
Books can come in a variety of types. Two of the most common are:
- monographs—the whole book is written throughout by an author or authors and dedicated to a particular topic
- edited books—different authors contribute their own chapters, around a broad topic or theme, which are then compiled by an editor or editors (who often also contribute their own chapter).
Knowing the difference between these is important for several reasons. The citation requirements are different between the two and, when in electronic form, the way of accessing a chapter or book may vary depending on the platform.
The information provided in Library Search can help you determine whether the book is a monograph or a chapter from an edited book.
Chapter in an Edited Book
Ebooks are accessible from anywhere and may be read online or downloaded to your computer or device.
Note: Publishers may set restrictions on the number of simultaneous users and the permitted print/download amount. If you can’t access an ebook through the Library, it may be because the maximum number of users has been reached.