
12 Databases

One of the most efficient ways to find sources is by using databases. Databases are high-quality and subject-specific online collections. Using a database over a more general search tool, like Library Search or Google Scholar has several advantages as they are:

  • subject-specific
  • offer a greater range of search functions
  • generally contain a smaller number of items
  • generally contain more scholarly material.

Repertoire International de Litterature Musicale (RILM)

RILM Abstracts of Music Literature (RILM) (UQ students & staff) is produced by the Repertoire International de Litterature Musicale as an international guide to writings about music. It is generally regarded as the most comprehensive database for music research and covers research in multiple languages across a vast range of topics, including:

  • historical musicology
  • music theory and analysis
  • music education
  • ethnomusicology
  • popular music
  • instruments and voice
  • music and dance
  • music therapy and music psychology.

As RILM is an abstracts database, you may not be able to access the full text for all works indexed in it. To get access to work identified in a RILM abstract, use the ‘Get it at UQ Library’ link. If the work isn’t in the Library’s collection, request it through document delivery (UQ students & staff).

ProQuest Music Periodicals Database

ProQuest Music Periodicals Database (UQ students & staff) provides indexing and abstracts for scholarly and popular periodicals in the areas of:

  • classical music
  • opera
  • jazz
  • popular music
  • pop culture
  • music education
  • music theory
  • performance.

View the module ProQuest Platform Advanced Search for tips on effective searching.

Other databases

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