Accessible versions of tables

The tables in each chapter are formatted for the APA 7th referencing style. The following versions of the tables are formatted for improved accessibility.

Activity 1

Table 1.1

The Effect of Previous Maths Exposure Level and Time of Assessment on Knowledge of Statistics
Level of Previous Maths Exposure Time of Assessment: Beginning Time of Assessment: End
Low 10.0 20.0
High 15.0 20.0

Table 1.2

The Effect of Previous Maths Exposure Level and Time of Assessment on Knowledge of Statistics with the Main Effect of Previous Maths Exposure Level
Level of Previous Maths Exposure Time of Assessment: Beginning Time of Assessment: End M
Low 10.0 20.0 15.0
High 15.0 20.0 17.5

Table 1.3

The Main Effect of Previous Maths Exposure Level on Knowledge of Statistics
Level of Previous Maths Exposure M
Low 15.0
High 17.5

Table 1.4

The Effect of Previous Maths Exposure Level and Time of Assessment on Knowledge of Statistics with the Main Effect of Time of Assessment
Level of Previous Maths Exposure Time of Assessment: Beginning Time of Assessment: End
Low 10.0 20.0
High 15.0 20.0
M 12.5 20.0

Table 1.5

The Main Effect of Time of Assessment on Knowledge of Statistics
M Time of Assessment: Beginning Time of Assessment: End
M 12.5 20.0

Table 1.6

The Effect of Previous Maths Exposure Level and Time of Assessment on Knowledge of Statistics
Level of Previous Maths Exposure Time of Assessment: Beginning Time of Assessment: End
Low 10.0 20.0
High 15.0 20.0

Table 1.7

The Simple Effect of Previous Maths Exposure Level when Tested at the Beginning of Semester
Level of Previous Maths Exposure Time of Assessment: Beginning
Low 10.0
High 15.0

Table 1.8

The Simple Effect of Previous Maths Exposure Level when Tested at the End of Semester
Level of Previous Maths Exposure Time of Assessment: End
Low 20.0
High 20.0

Activity 2

Table 2.1

The Effect of Steroidal Dosage and Sex on Maze Running Performance in Rats
Dosage Sex – Male Sex – Female TDi MDi
Zero 10 6
10 7
8 6
10 8
7 8
T11 = 45 T12 = 35 80
M11 = 9.0 M12 = 7.0 8.0
Small 10 12
13 13
13 13
12 12
12 13
T21 = 60 T22 = 63 123
M21 = 12.0 M22 = 12.6 12.3
Moderate 12 9
10 9
12 10
11 8
9 10
T31 = 54 T32 = 46 100
M31 = 10.8 M32 = 9.2 10.0
Large 10 9
11 10
12 6
12 9
13 7
T41 = 58 T42 = 41 99
M41 = 11.6 M42 = 8.2 9.9
TSj 217 185 402
MSj 10.9 9.3 10.1

Table 2.2

The Effect of Steroidal Dosage and Sex on Maze Running Performance in Rats
Dosage Sex – Male Sex – Female
Zero 10 6
10 7
8 6
10 8
7 8
Small 10 12
13 13
13 13
12 12
12 13
Moderate 12 9
10 9
12 10
11 8
9 10
Large 10 9
11 10
12 6
12 9
13 7

Table 2.3

Omnibus ANOVA Table for Recording of Results
Source SS df MS F p
Dosage x Sex
(Corrected) Total

Note – jamovi refers to the Error row as “Residuals”. The (Corrected) Total needs to be calculated and is the sum of the Residuals row and the Overall Model row.

Activity 3

Table 3.1

The Effect of Steroidal Dosage and Sex on Maze Running Performance in Rats
Dosage Sex – Male Sex – Female MDi
Zero 10 6
10 7
8 6
10 8
7 8
M11 = 9.0 M12 = 7.0 8.0
Small 10 12
13 13
13 13
12 12
12 13
M21 = 12.0 M22 = 12.6 12.3
Moderate 12 9
10 9
12 10
11 8
9 10
M31 = 10.8 M32 = 9.2 10.0
Large 10 9
11 10
12 6
12 9
13 7
M41 = 11.6 M42 = 8.2 9.9
MSj 10.9 9.3 10.1

Table 3.2

Omnibus ANOVA results for the Effect of Steroidal Dosage and Sex on Maze Running Performance in Rats
Source SS df MS F p
Sex 25.60 1 25.60 18.29 < .001
Dosage 92.90 3 30.97 22.12 < .001
Dosage x Sex 20.60 3 6.87 4.90 .006
Error 44.80 32 1.40
(Corrected) Total 183.90 39

Table 3.3

The Effect of Steroidal Dosage and Sex on Maze Running Performance in Rats
Dosage Sex – Male Sex – Female
Zero 10 6
10 7
8 6
10 8
7 8
Small 10 12
13 13
13 13
12 12
12 13
Moderate 12 9
10 9
12 10
11 8
9 10
Large 10 9
11 10
12 6
12 9
13 7

Table 3.4

Summary Table for Simple Effects
Source SS df MS F p
Effect of Dosage at S1
Effect of Dosage at S2
(Corrected) Total

Activity 4

Table 4.1

Stress and eating difficulty
Student Stress Eating Difficulty
1 17 9
2 8 13
3 8 7
4 20 18
5 14 11
6 7 2
7 21 5
8 22 15
9 19 26
10 30 28


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