
Welcome and Introduction

Welcome, students and colleagues!

We are delighted that you have found your way to the book, and hope that it is of value to you in your learning and in your research and work.

This book is designed to accompany the third year course Psychological Research Methods III at the University of Queensland. The six activities are normally explored within our tutorial program, which includes two-hour weekly lectures on the various topics, followed by two-hour supervised sessions in which tutors explain the key concepts, and students then apply them.  Over the thirteen weeks of the semester, students attempt to understand and interpret two-way interactions in factorial ANOVA (Activity 1), and then introduce themselves to the statistical package jamovi, and learn to conduct two-way ANOVAs (Activity 2-3), conduct analyses for correlations and bivariate regression (Activity 4), conduct standard multiple regression and hierarchical multiple regression (Activity 5), and conduct moderated multiple regression analyses, including following up a significant two-way interaction (Activity 6).

For those working outside an academic undergraduate context, individual activities are very appropriate to students and scholars who are seeking to teach themselves these analyses in jamovi.

We also include information for those seeking to understand and conduct repeated-measures ANOVA (Activity 7) and mixed or split-plot ANOVA (Activity 8).

All feedback and questions are welcome, and may be directed to Winnifred Louis (w.louis@psy.uq.edu.au).

We are indebted to a long line of fabulous tutors who have worked to develop and improve the workbook, and I would like to acknowledge their work here, and in particular to thank Janine Lurie, who worked to develop the jamovi resources for our team, and Jo Brown, who as previous longstanding lead tutor of the course wrote a lot of our original workbook, which has benefitted thousands of our students over the last two decades.  I thank Thomas and Marianne at the UQ Library who invited us to develop the pressbook and worked with us to adapt the content and to develop the h5p interactive exercises.  Any remaining mistakes are my own!

Thank you to all past, present, and future tutors and colleagues in the statistical methods team at UQ.  And to readers, our best wishes – Enjoy your learning, and keep us posted on how you go with it!



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Psychological Research Methods Workbook Copyright © 2024 by The University of Queensland is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.