About this book

Quality in Healthcare: Assessing what we do is an open access educational resource designed to be used to support final year student’s capstone in their pre-registration learning.  This book provides the opportunity for students to apply their practical skills and theoretical knowledge as they transition into professional practice.

This book has been designed in sections to support students to learn and their application of the quality improvement cycle to their chosen topic.  Chapter flags each stage of the quality process with  “Stepping Stone activities”; designed to facilitate incremental progress along the way.  For students who complete these activities, the cumulate of work maybe collated to prepare and disseminate their findings.

This book could be used as the guidebook for students’ during their studies or standalone resource after graduation as students continue to champion the promotion of quality in health care, by assessing what we do.




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Quality in Healthcare: Assessing What We Do Copyright © 2024 by The University of Queensland is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.