17 How to use the ePortfolio
The following video demonstrates how preceptors access and evaluate the student’s submissions in the ePortfolio:
Quick Start Guide for External Assessors (YouTube, 2:50m)
To view the written version of this guide, please visit Quick Start Guide for External Assessors
EPA Self-Assessment
Students are required to complete a self-assessment form in the ePortfolio as a part of their work integrated learning activities. Once the student submits their self-assessment to the preceptor, they will receive an email with a link to access the ePortfolio to view the self-assessment and provide feedback and entrustment levels for the EPA. Please note that students are not penalised if the preceptor is unable to complete their section in the ePortfolio.
The self-assessment form contains sections for the EPAs that are recommended at the student’s year level, and an additional section for the Entrustable Attributes self-assessment. The EPA sections ask students to evaluate their performance as either Performed well or Developing, with the option to provide a comment to the preceptor or request feedback on a specific element. Students are also asked to self-assess an entrustment level and provide an evidence-based justification for their decision.
Click the image to enlarge

The Entrustable Attributes section aims to prompt students to think about the broader, holistic skills they are developing as a pharmacist. Students rate themselves on a Likert scale on how often they display this attributes. They are also provided with an optional comments box, if they would like to clarify any information. Finally, students are asked in what ways they have observed professional or personal growth throughout their placement.
Click the image to enlarge

The preceptor records their entrustment level for each EPA on the Entrustment Level Rubric, shown below. Each row corresponds to one EPA and has a range of 1-5 for the entrustment levels, hover the cursor over the box to read the level description, or click Show detailed view in the top left corner of the screen. Please note that level 5 is the level of entrustment expected at the end of the internship year, but has been included in this scale for completeness.
Click image to enlarge

The preceptor may choose Not applicable/not observed if the student was unable to complete an EPA, or the preceptor was unable to observe due to unexpected absence. Each row also has a comments box, where we ask that the preceptor provide their written feedback pertaining to each EPA. There is also a general comments box provided for overall feedback, in which you can provide feedback on the student’s overall development, including the Entrustable Attributes.
For guidance on the expected entrustment level for the student, please refer to the chapter for the course that they are undertaking.