The Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons) Preceptor Handbook (the Handbook) is a resource that has been developed for preceptors hosting students in the Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons) program.
The Handbook is organised into sections:
- Placements Information: outlines the roles and responsibilities of placement providers and students, and explains the structure of placements throughout the program.
- Entrustable Professional Activities: including how EPAs are integrated with the program, guides for completing and making level of entrustment decisions, and all EPA templates.
- Resources: including tips for providing feedback to students and technical guides for using the ePortfolio.
- Course sections: each course with a placement component has its own section. In these sections you will find information on the course, student preparation for placement, links to specific EPA templates for the course, and a guide for the anticipated average entrustment level.
How to use the Handbook
The Handbook is intended as a resource that can be used by preceptors to refer to the relevant sections at different points during the placement, it does not need to be followed in a linear fashion. It is recommended to read all sections if it is the first time hosting a student in the Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons). However, once a preceptor is familiar with the structure of placements, they may wish to refer to the information in the course specific section as required.
The information in this Handbook is presented using different multimedia, such as interactive infographics, images, and videos. We recommend that preceptors bookmark the link to access the online version to retain the functionality of the multimedia elements. However, the Handbook can also be downloaded as a PDF if required, which may be useful for keeping a copy of the EPA templates on hand.
Editions and Revisions
The first edition of the Handbook was published for the first placement in the program in semester 2, 2023.
January 2024
July 2024 December 2024
February 2025
Updates to all sections
Addition of PHRM3101 Addition of PHRM3102 Updates to 4th year courses Updates to EPAs Remove references to aged care placement Update to school name |
The Handbook will be updated with course specific sections as the role out of the Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons) continues.
Ms. Jessica Cockerill | Dr Jane Lee |
Ms. Nicola Townsend | Dr Neil Cottrell |
Dr James Falconer
Dr Peter Moyle |