Module overview

Approximately 30 minutes

Student partnership

This module was developed with UQ student partners as part of a  Student-Staff Partnership project.

Graduate attributes

Knowledge and skills you can gain from this module will contribute to your Graduate Attributes:

  •  Connected citizens

This module is part of Digital Essentials, a series of online modules to help you quickly build your digital skills so you can succeed in study and work.

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Aims and objectives

This module will:

  • help you understand what the internet is and how it is regulated
  • explain the basics of web browsers.

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • identify the elements of uniform resource locators (URLS)
  • resolve common issues with your web browser
  • manage your use of digital technology.

Module sections

  1. The internet
  2. The web and web browsers
  3. URLs and domains
  4. Who controls the internet
  5. Managing digital technology
  6. Check your knowledge
  7. More resources
  8. Conclusion

Download versions are available on the homepage.


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Internet Essentials Copyright © 2023 by The University of Queensland is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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