El alfabeto


Let’s check your prior knowledge about Spanish sounds! We are sure you know a lot already.

Seleccionamos si las afirmaciones son verdaderas (true) o falsas (false).

El alfabeto o abecedario 

There are 27 letters in the Spanish alphabet, one more than in English.

The additional letter is ñ, which comes after n in alphabetised lists in Spanish. Because of its distinctiveness, it has come to symbolize and even be used to represent the Spanish language.

¡OJO! Please note that the sounds provided in the image above are pronounced by a Spanish speaker from Spain.

Observamos y clasificamos las palabras de ejemplo en las siguientes categorías:



  • K appears only in words borrowed from other languages.
  • CH and LL, are digraphs, or two letters that together produce a sound. However, they do not have their own entries when placing words in alphabetical order.
  • The LL and theare pronounced the same in many Spanish-speaking countries; however, they way in which they are pronounced in some areas of Argentina and Uruguay is quite distinct from other countries. We explore these regional variations in other sections of this learning resource.
  • The letter Y, ye o “i griega” by itself sounds exactly the same as the vowel “i” (or i latina). “Y” by itself means “and”.
  • RR
    • RR produces a strong trilled sound that doesn’t have an English equivalent. Often produced when imitating the sound of a motor.
      • It only appears between vowels.

Ahora, escuchamos los audios con atención y escribimos los nombres y apellidos correctamente.


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