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¡Hola, estudiantes!


Image of UQ teacher with an introduction in a speech bubble

En la sección “Apéndice de léxico” encuentras frases útiles para usar todos los días en el salón de clases. ¡No olvides revisarlas y practicar!

Diálogo 1

Image of couple introducing themselves with text in speech bubbles

Diálogo 2

Image of couple introducing themselves with text in speech bubbles


Diálogo 3


Image of two men talking with text in speech bubbles

Observamos otros ejemplos

Let’s have a look at this video from YouTube in which people respond to the question: ¿Cómo TE LLAMAS


What do you notice about the three dialogues above?  What about the video?

What are some posible ways of introducing yourself in Spanish?

Do you think ME LLAMO + NOMBRE and SOY + NOMBRE can be used interchangeably?

What about “” and “yo“? What do they mean?


Let’s have a look at another exchange in this video from YouTube:


What do you notice about this exchange?

You may have noticed the use of the word ENCANTADO and ENCANTADA which were also used in Diálogo 2 and Diálogo 3 above.

What do you think this word means?

Who uses each of these forms and why? Are there other words or expressions with the same meaning?

What else have you noticed?

LOS BESOS, of course, one or two kisses on the cheek, depending on the country you are from are an important part of how we greet each other in Spanish-speaking contexts.

Of course, currently, physical contact has been reduced. In the tweet below from the Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), we see examples of alternative ways to avoid physical contact when greeting people.

Which one do you use the most?


Exploramos más opciones


  • What do you think about the greeting practices in the Spanish-speaking world that we presented here?
  • Why do you think greetings and greeting practices are different in other cultures?
  • Do you like greeting practices from your culture? What about from other cultures?
  • What about greeting practices in other contexts? How do you greet family and friends? How do you greet teachers at university?

Si quieres practicar la pronunciación y deletreo, puedes revisar la sección “El alfabeto”. Ahí tenemos material y ejercicios que te ayudarán.


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