20 PHRM3011 Community Pharmacy Placement (students enrolled prior to 2022)

PHRM3011 community pharmacy placements are self-sourced. During this placement, the expectation is that students will:
- Attend SIX (6) weekly placements of 3-4 hours/week (attendance sheet to be signed by the Preceptor at the completion of each placement).
- Experience most aspects of community practice including Dispensing and Patient Consultation on Medications, Communication, Professional and Ethical issues, and Business (where applicable).
- Use their placement experience to complete the following assessment items to pass PHRM3011
- Weekly Reflective Diary
- Evidence examples for Developing Skills Task
- Assessment of Dispensing Task
- Graduated Descriptor Tool Discussion Declaration
- Attendance Sheet
- Satisfactory Preceptor Evaluation
By completing this process, it is hoped that the students will show responsibility for their professional practice learning and increase their readiness to undertake future practice placements.
PHRM3011 Community Pharmacy Placement Student Manual_2024 (PDF, 1.44MB)
Further information including assessment detail can be found on the PHRM3011 Blackboard page.