16 PHRM3101/PHRM3102 Community Pharmacy Placement

Students will complete a 1-week community pharmacy placement in semester 1 (PHRM3101) and semester 2 (PHRM3102). During these placements you are expected to consult with consumers regarding common OTC requests, take a medication history either from a patient new to the pharmacy or an existing patient presenting with a new medicine, and educate a patient on a new medication, all with direct, proactive supervision.
Learning outcomes
EPAs to be completed on this placement are:
- Provision of OTC Medicine (for relevant clinical area(s) covered in second year late Semester 2 or early semester 1 in third year) (community pharmacy).
- Taking a medication history either from a patient new to the pharmacy or an existing patient presenting with a new medicine
- Educating a patient on their new medication(s)
Assessment / Learning Activities
- Prior to the end of the placement, you will complete the self-assessment for professionalism on placement.
- Entrustable Professional Activities. Prior to the end of your placement, you will complete the self-assessment for the EPAs in the ePortfolio, accessed via the link Learn.UQ. A link to these will be emailed to your preceptor who can access your self-assessment. You should make sure you arrange to meet with your preceptor to provide you with feedback on your activities and provide their level of entrustment. Note you are not assessed on your level of entrustment.
- Individual Learning Plan (ILP) and Placement reflection
- Refer to the Course Profile for assessment detail and deadlines
To Know
- Placements have been sourced by the WIL Partnerships Coordinator and students select from a list of opportunities made available through InPlace.
- Students are encouraged to complete these placements in rural locations, and funding is available. We have existing partnerships with rural pharmacies, or students can self-source. Further information is available in the Rural chapter of this book.
- Students wishing to complete a rural placement in a region that does not have placements advertised should email placements@pharmacy.uq.edu.au