15 PHRM3101 and PHRM3102 Overview
PHRM3101 and PHRM3102 Work Integrated Learning Overview
- The course has a ‘rolling placement’ model, with placement blocks based on a student’s tutorial group and taking place over weeks 3-12.
- Classes missed while on placement will be available the following week.
- Over the year, students enrolled in PHRM3101 and PHRM3102 will complete 3 placements.
- Each student will complete:
- Two x 1-week community pharmacy placements; 1 each semester; and
- One 1-week hospital placement; in either semester 1 or semester 2.
- All placements are sourced by the WIL Partnerships Coordinator.

Refer to your course Blackboard page and the Course Profile for assessment details.