34 Princess Alexandra Hospital
Compliance Requirements
- All students must meet the Queensland Health compliance requirements.
- You must bring a copy of the QLD Health Orientation checklist, iLearn module certificates of completion and evidence record of allied health student training to supervisor on arrival
- Complete the Student Deed Poll, print a hard copy and present to your supervisor on arrival. The PA Hospital is part of the Metro South HHS.
- You must take evidence of your N95 fit testing to your placement
- To ensure you have access to the electronic prescribing system, please complete this form a minimum of 2 weeks prior to your placement.
Address and contact details
199 Ipswich Road
Woolloongabba, QLD 4102
Ph 3176 2557
The meeting point is outside the Main Pharmacy (Building 1, ground floor). Enter via the main entrance on Ipswich Road, turn left, and follow signs to the Main Pharmacy.
Plan to arrive 15 minutes early
Public transport is recommended. There are trains to Dutton Park or Buranda and buses along Ipswich Road or to the Buranda and PAH Bus Stations.
If you decide to drive, parking is available in the public multi-storey car park, entrance on Wolseley Street and in the Hospital car park (spaces are limited).