9 Presentation and Professionalism

As well as possessing the appropriate skills and knowledge, the University has standards for behaviour and conduct while studying a professional program and undertaking practical placements. You are expected to conduct yourself in a manner consistent with the University’s Student Code of Conduct as well as any relevant codes or guidelines issued by the Faculty, discipline professional body, registering authority or placement providers.

Expected behaviours include but are not limited to:

  • attending all teaching sessions and completing any academic requirements set by the School or placement provider
  • avoiding unprofessional behaviour (including on social media websites)
  • being honest and trustworthy in all matters
  • being responsible for your own health
  • respecting and protecting confidential information
  • respecting the views of others, even when they differ from your own
  • seeking clarification on a policy or other University directive that you find unclear
  • taking advantage of all learning/development opportunities
  • treating all persons with respect and without discrimination

In addition students are expected to uphold standards of professional behaviour including:

  • abiding by the workplace rules, policies, and procedure
  • complying with the  dress code
  • liaising with the UQ WIL Partnerships Coordinator and Course Coordinator
  • notifying your workplace supervisor of any concerns during the placement

UQ has a Fitness to Practice Policy which aims to guide student behaviour on placement and to manage cases where student behaviour is not consistent with expected behaviours or contravenes expected standards in the workplace.


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UQ Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons) Placement Handbook Copyright © 2024 by The University of Queensland is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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