12 Safety

Your safety on placement, including when you are travelling to and from your placement, is one of UQ’s highest priorities. However, you also have a responsibility to prioritise your own personal safety.
Please take time to read over the resources on Your personal safety on placement, for staying safe on placement – we recommend you review these regularly. Remember, safety includes both physical as well as psychosocial safety. The Qld Police Adult Safety website has great advice on how you can stay safe.
Student Support
In the first instance you should contact your UQ WIL Placement Coordinator or Course Coordinator for assistance with your placements. However, if this is not possible or preferred, there are other options available to students seeking support. Contact details can be found on Your personal safety on placement.
COVID-19 While on Placement
If you have or develop COVID-19 symptoms while on placement stay at home until you no longer have symptoms. Test as soon as possible.
If you test positive for COVID-19 during your placement period, please follow these steps:
- Notify your preceptor and check what their procedure is for returning to the placement site.
- You must isolate until at least 5 days have passed since either the onset of acute respiratory infection symptoms or the positive COVID-19 test (whichever was first) as per Qld Govt advice.
- Email a positive PCR test result to placements@pharmacy.uq.edu.au
- As you near the end of your isolation period, contact your preceptor to let them know when you will be returning and discuss the possibility of making up some of the time missed.
- Once you are well enough to return, email placements@pharmacy.uq.edu.au to provide an update on your planned placement hours.
- Update your placement hours in InPlace (instructions here).
Close contacts:
- If you are a close contact of someone with COVID-19 you do not need to isolate if you are symptom free
- You must contact your preceptor prior to returning to the placement site to let them know.
- Closely monitor your symptoms, wear a face mask and immediately isolate and test should you begin to feel unwell.
PHRM4071 students may be able to work from home while isolating so long as you feel well enough. Please discuss this option with your preceptor.