Hospital Placement Information

- You will be notified of your hospital allocation in InPlace. All hospitals require you to meet Qld Health Compliance Requirements.
- At present, all Qld Health sites also require students to be professionally fit tested for N95 masks prior to placement. The placements team will contact you to organise an appointment if this affects you. Further information on fitting your N95 mask is available in the “what you need to know” tab. You must take your fit test card to the placement.
- Check the information page for each hospital you are attending. Some will require you to print all copies of your paperwork to take with you and some will want you to email them. Action these as soon as possible! If you aren’t prepared, you will not be completing your placement.
- Hospital specific requirements are covered in the following chapters.
Absence / Illness
- Students are to notify their preceptor as soon as they know they will be absent from their placement.
- Students who have any symptoms of an acute respiratory infection should isolate immediately and test for COVID-19.
- If you test positive for COVID-19 you must not return to your placement until at least 5 days have passed since either the onset of acute respiratory infection symptoms or the positive COVID-19 test (whichever was first) as per Qld Govt advice.
- Email the School at to let us know you are absent.
- Enter your absence in InPlace (instructions here)
To Note
Visiting the hospital setting for the first time can sometimes be confronting, due to the different sights, sounds, and smells you might experience. This can sometimes be overwhelming, and it is not unusual for people to feel unwell or faint as a consequence. It is very important to let your preceptor know immediately if you feel unwell.