1. Check your IT set up first

You may need to check your IT set up to avoid issues when using some UQ systems.


Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Safari logos
Check your browser is compatible with Blackboard to be able to use all the content in Learn.UQ and other systems.

Update to the latest version of the browser.  This may help with security threats and improve performance. Recommended browsers are Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

Clear your cache

Try clearing your browser cache if the website or system is not working as expected.

Your browser cache allows the websites you visit most often to load faster. This can cause issues if it has saved outdated information or prevents the page from loading properly.

The Library’s AskUs team will often ask if you have cleared your cache when you contact them about issues with Learn.UQ (Blackboard), Library Search, and other UQ systems.

Third party cookies

Cookies behind logos for Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Safari logos
You may need to enable third party cookies in your browser to access Lecture recordings, course reading lists, Turnitin and other content via Learn.UQ (Blackboard).

Internet Essentials has a section that explains more about web browsers, cache, cookies and pop-ups.

Check your knowledge

Multi-factor authentication (MFA)

UQ requires you to use multi-factor authentication (MFA) to log in to UQ systems.

The my.UQ multi-factor authentication (MFA) page explains how to activate and troubleshoot MFA.

Library computers

Saving files on Library desktop computers

Do not save information or files to Library desktop computers as files saved to the Library computers will not be stored. Save your files to:

  • USB
  • cloud storage. Note: Microsoft OneDrive is available to UQ students from 8 July 2024
  • your H: drive (home drive) through My Files in the my.UQ dashboard if you wish to access documents on other UQ devices.

You can also email documents to yourself to access them on personal devices.

IT set up for online exams

  • Check your access to systems and your computer, equipment and browser version are up to date.
  • Make sure to get your computer checked if there are any issues you can’t solve.

Check your IT set up for online exams lists all the IT aspects you need to consider before your exam.


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