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Paula Tavares Pinto and Franciele Spinelli

A special thanks

The activities of this e-book are part of the research from the Postgraduate Program of Linguistic Studies (PPGEL) – Universidade de Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP), São José do Rio Preto, through the discussions of En-Corpora Research Group: Corpus-based and corpus-driven teaching (CNPq/UNESP), which had the financial support of the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal e Nível Superior (CAPES processes 88882.317865/2019-01; 88887.507630/2020-00; 88887.596115/2020-00; 88882.180743/2007-01).

Thanks to the Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES), in the scope of the Program CAPES-PrInt, process number 88887.310463/2018-00. We would also like to thank the support of the Global Strategy and Partnerships Seed Funding and the Open Textbook @ UQ grant from The University of Queensland.

Peer Review Statement

This book has undergone peer review by subject experts from the University of Queensland (UQ) and São Paulo State University (UNESP). The reviewers were academics and professional staff at research institutions, with specialised experience in language teaching, education and corpus linguistics. Reviews were structured around considerations of the intended audience of the book, and examined the relevance, accuracy, structure and clarity of the content.

We would like to thank the review team for the time, care and commitment they contributed to the book. This book would not be the robust, valuable resource that it is were it not for their feedback and input.

We would also like to thank Thomas Palmer and Marianne Sato from the University of Queensland for all their support and recommendations regarding copyright and accessibility matters.

About the authors

Paula Tavares Pinto is a Lecturer at the São Paulo State University (Unesp, Brazil). She has a Bachelor’s degree in Translation and in Languages and Arts. She holds a Master’s and a Ph.D degree in Applied Linguistics. She developed part of her Ph.D studies at The University of Manchester, UK, and was a visiting scholar at the University of Surrey, UK. She currently coordinates the Fulbright English Teaching Assistant Program as well as the Unesp’s Language Center. In the Graduate Program of Linguistics, her research areas are: Translation Studies, Terminology, Corpus Linguistics, Teacher Training Programs and English for Specific and Academic Purposes.

Franciele Spinelli is currently a PhD candidate, a Casual Academic and a Learning Designer at The University of Queensland (UQ). She holds a bachelor’s degree in Languages and Education from Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Brazil) and a master’s degree in Applied Linguistics (in the field of TESOL studies) from The University of Queensland (UQ). She has a background in language teaching, education and research, having taught English, Portuguese and Spanish as a second language in different teaching contexts. While working and studying at UQ, she has been part of several research, curriculum redevelopment, and student-staff partnership projects. She received an award for Programs that Enhance Learning for her contributions to the student-staff partnership initiative in 2021 and a commendation for curriculum transformation and innovative pedagogy alongside with the CaLD Lab team in 2022.