Lesson 15 activities (hands off)
¡Cuándo me falte fuerza, resistiré!
Activity 1
In small groups, discuss the following questions about the song Resistiré.
Get the lyrics in Spanish and the English translation for Resistiré.
Activity 2
Activity 3
Observe the screenshot below, retrieved from Voyant Tools. It shows the analysis of the words from the song through the use of the Corpus Tools: Mandala; Cirus; Terms Berry.

Activity 4
Analyse the pronoun ME, through the examples provided in the screenshots below, which were taken from tool Corpus Tools Word Tree.
The data from Figure 2 is presented in a tree format, in which the “branches” join the most frequent word together. This example shows the connections with the pronoun ME.

Activity 5
Answer the following questions as you analyse from the previous activity where the pronoun ME appears.
Activity 6
Observe the concordance lines from the screenshot below with the use of verbs in the present of the subjunctive/future in the Contexts tool.

Activity 7
After reflecting on the song lyrics and the use of the present temporal sentences of the subjunctive/future, create a poster with sentences using this grammatical structure. Focus on transmitting a message of resilience with the following theme: 5 things I will do if my plans don’t work out.
Activity 8
Discuss the following questions with your peers:
- What are the key takeaways from this lesson?
- What have you learnt about the pronoun ME?
- Can the corpora tools used in this lesson (e.g., Voyant Tools) help you learn other aspects of Spanish? If so, in which way(s)?