Lesson 10 development
Seal the deal

10 mins
Teacher activates learners’ previous knowledge of contracts and legislation and how to talk about them in English and other languages.
15 mins
Teacher encourages learners to write as many words as they can remember in English about the lesson topic.
15 mins
Learners get to know how to use DeepL. Teacher explains and shows how to use this tool.
20 mins
In groups, learners use DeepL to explore possible translations about legal language and law systems.
Development (corpus research)
30 mins
Teacher shows English text excerpts in which legal terms are mentioned, and asks learners to reflect on the terms in their native languages using MateCat.
20 mins
Groups share the information found and their conclusions with the whole class.
Development (use of translation)
20 mins
In groups, learners check the definitions and try to identify the type of document.
30 mins
Learners analyse excerpts from a set of purchase and sale contracts and attempt to describe the legal terms in English. Learners use DeepL to complete this part of the activity. In groups of 3 or 4, learners discuss the translation options and their reasons.
Wrap up
20 mins
Learners share their activities with the whole class.
20 mins
Teacher holds a whole-class discussion about what learners have learned and how they can use such data in other contexts.
Assessment will be formative and will take place throughout the process of the activities, by the analysis of learners’ participation, the data collected through the target tool, and the homework answers.