
Lesson 5 activities (hands off)

A good read

Activity 1

In groups, discuss the following questions:

  • Do you like reading?
  • What kind of books do you like reading?
  • Have you ever written a “book report” before?

Activity 2

Activity 3

Look at the sentences below, which were taken from COCA. Answer the questions below:

Examples of the use of 'gripping' from COCA.
Figure 3. Screenshot of COCA. Retrieved on September 30, 2021. © Mark Davies (2008-), all rights reserved, used with permission.

Activity 4

Activity 5

In groups, discuss the following questions. Take notes of your key discussion points below.

Activity 6

Read an example of a “book report” from the following website SampleTemplates. You may like to print copies of some book reports to distribute to your students in class. Always ensure you follow the copyright protocols.

Activity 7

Discuss the following questions with your peers:

  • What were the key takeaways from this lesson?
  • In which way(s) has the lesson helped you understand how to write a book report?