
Lesson 9 activities (hands off)

Is this love?

CAUTION: Unfortunately, some inappropriate concordances may come up when searching for ‘love’ in the corpora tools utilised for the activities below. In addition, the lyrics of some songs suggested below may contain explicit and inappropriate language, which may not be suitable for all audiences. Please read the lesson materials carefully to decide if you could or should implement this lesson in your own teaching/learning context. You may like to choose a different song, as we have suggested below, for the activities while following the same lesson structure.

Activity 1

Observe the lines of concordance for love taken from BNClab. Answer the questions below.

Lines of concordance for the word love taken from BNClab.
Figure 3. Screenshot of the concordance lines (usage) BNC LAB. Retrieved September on 20, 2021. © BNClab, all rights reserved, used with permission.

Activity 2

Now, look at the lines of concordance when using the filter gender. Answer the question below.

Lines of concordance for the word love with the filter gender (male) taken from BNClab.
Figure 4. Screenshot of BNC LAB of concordance lines (gender – male). Retrieved on September 20, 2021. © BNClab, all rights reserved, used with permission.
Lines of concordance for the word love with the filter gender (female) taken from BNClab.
Figure 5. Screenshot of BNC LAB of concordance lines (gender – Female). Retrieved on September 20, 2021. © BNClab, all rights reserved, used with permission.

Activity 3

After watching the video, go the Ted Ed What is love? – Brad Troeger website and answer the given questions from the website.

Note: As a teacher, you can download the activity and print a copy for your learners if internet is not available at school. Always remember to follow the copyright rules.

Activity 4

Look at the word cloud below and the concordance lines generated from the What is love? video transcript. Answer the questions below.

Word cloud of concordance lines generated from the What is love? video clip.
Figure 6. Screenshot of the word cloud from VersaText from the Love Lesson. Retrieved on September 20, 2021. © VersaText, all rights reserved, used with permission.
Concordance lines generated from the What is love? video clip.
Figure 7. Screenshot of concordance lines from VersaText from the Love Lesson. Retrieved on September 20, 2021. © VersaText, all rights reserved, used with permission.

Activity 5

Access the website Lyric training and do the song 90 days listening comprehension activity at the beginner level.

Note 1: As a teacher, you can download the activity and print a copy for your learners if internet is not available at school. Always remember to follow the copyright rules.

Note 2: If the lyrics of the song are not appropriate for your teaching context, we suggest the song Exile by Taylor Swift.

Activity 6

Access the website Lyric training and do the song 90 days listening comprehension activity at the beginner level.

Note 1: As a teacher, you can download the activity and print a copy for your learners if internet is not available at school. Always remember to follow the copyright rules.

Note 2: If the lyrics of the song are not appropriate for your teaching context, we suggest the song Exile by Taylor Swift.

Activity 7

Observe the word cloud below based on the song 90 Days that was taken from VersaText. This word cloud contains the transcription of the song without its nouns. Answer the questions below.

Word cloud from on the song 90 Days that was taken from VersaText.
Figure 8. Screenshot of the world cloud from VersaText from Pink’s song 90 Days. Retrieved on September 20, 2021. © VersaText, all rights reserved, used with permission.

Note: If the lyrics of the song are not appropriate for your teaching context, we suggest the song Exile by Taylor Swift.