
Lesson 11 description

Does it collocate?

Paula Tavares Pinto

Does it collocate?

The lesson Does it collocate? was designed to support Higher Education learners and researchers who have to write scientific papers or abstracts in English. The aim of this lesson is to make learners and researchers aware of the use of academic collocations (combinations as in verbs + prepositions), which are standardised by language users and sometimes go unnoticed in abstracts.

This lesson is available in hands-on and hands-off formats. In the first format, learners and researchers are required to access Collocaid to search for the linguistic information necessary to complete the activities. The second format does not require learners to access this tool as the linguistic data has been previously selected by the author, and is available to download in the lesson itself.

In terms of Collocaid, users should write their abstracts directly on the tool or simply copy and paste their abstracts onto the tool, as shown in the screenshot below.

Abstract analysis from Collocaid.
Figure 1. Screenshot of Collocaid. Retrieved on September 14, 2022. © Collocaid, all rights reserved, used with permission.

Please note that teachers and learners will need to sign in to Collocaid before starting to use it.

Watch Pressbooks Video 7 (YouTube, 3m38s) below to learn more about Collocaid and how to use the search options.

About the author

Paula Tavares Pinto is a Lecturer at the São Paulo State University (Unesp, Brazil). She has a Bachelor’s degree in Translation and in Languages and Arts. She holds a Master’s and a Ph.D degree in Applied Linguistics. She developed part of her Ph.D studies at The University of Manchester, UK, and was a visiting scholar at the University of Surrey, UK. She currently coordinates the Fulbright English Teaching Assistant Program as well as the Unesp’s Language Center. In the Graduate Program of Linguistics, her research areas are: Translation Studies, Terminology, Corpus Linguistics, Teacher Training Programs and English for Specific and Academic Purposes.