
Lesson 15 description

¡Cuándo me falte fuerza, resistiré!

Silmara Ribeiro Moscatelli

¡Cuándo me falte fuerza, resistiré!

The lesson ¡Cuándo me falte fuerza, resistiré! was developed for High School learners. This lesson aims to observe the use of temporal clauses with the following structure: CUÁNDO + PRESENTE DO SUBJECTIVO/FUTURO DO INDICATIVO, which is used to describe actions that we do not know will occur.

This lesson is available in two formats: hands-on and hands-off. The difference between these two versions is that in the first one, learners will need to access Voyant Tools to search for the most frequent terms in the song to complete the lesson activities. The second format does not require learners to access this tool as the linguistic data has been previously selected by the author, and is available to download in the lesson itself.

Regarding Voyant Tools, learners are expected to be able to use the search options WORD TREE; MANDALA; CIRUS; TERMS BERRY; CONTEXTS so that they can determine the combinations with the pronoun complement ME and the use of verbs in the PRESENT SUBJUNCTIVE + FUTURE INDICATIVE.

Watch Pressbooks Video 13 (YouTube, 4m22s) below learn more about how to use the search options WORD TREE; MANDALA; CIRUS; TERMS BERRY; CONTEXTS.

About the author

Silmara Ribeiro Moscatelli is a Ph.D. student in Applied Linguistics at Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho – UNESP/Ibilce. S.J. Rio Preto. She has a Professional Master’s Degree in Languages (PROFLETRAS) at the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2013-2015). Her dissertation key themes were Reading; Literary Short Stories; Public Education; Reading Competence; Discourse Analysis; Aesthetics of Reception. In addition, she has a specialization in Educational Management from UNESP (2012). She graduated in LETRAS Portuguese – Spanish at Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho and did an undergraduate research project about Modern Foreign Literature.