
Lesson 14 development

An unforgettable event

Group of people standing in a garden at a party or celebration.
Figure 2. Group of people by Roman Boed, CC BY 2.0. Retrieved on October 24, 2022.


  10 mins            Teacher-Learners

Teacher activates learners’ previous knowledge on the procedures needed for events to take place during the pandemic.

  10 mins            Learners-Learners

Teacher shows learners headlines of the pieces of news and asks learners, in small groups, to talk about what they think those pieces will be about.

  30 mins            Learners-Learners

Teacher distributes one piece of news that had been previously presented to each group of learners. Learners identify the events-related protocols described in the text. Learners also observe the linguistic variation and the verbal tense that are being used in the text.

Development (corpus research)

  10 mins            Teacher-Learners

Learners get to know how to use Sketch Engine. Teacher explains and demonstrates how to use the tool.

  15 mins            Teacher-Learners

In groups, learners use Sketch Engine to search for the list of words and the concordance lines.

  15 mins            Learners-Learners

In groups, learners use Sketch Engine to observe the most used verb tenses and forms and some recurrent terms.

Application (use in sentences)

  20 mins            Teacher-Learners

In groups, learners discuss and decide the combinations that will be useful for drafting a protocol for an event in Spanish.

  30 mins            Learners-Learners

Learners plan and design a poster to organise an event. For this activity, learners should highlight all safety protocols and standards that will be followed so that this event can occur. Learners will also need to create a title, and make the date and place of the event clear. They will also need to write a sentence that draws the target public’s attention to attend the party.


  20 mins            Teacher-Learners

Teacher provides learners with feedback and asks learners what they thought of the class and Sketch Engine.


The assessment will be formative and take place throughout the activities process by analysing learners’ engagement with the activities and the data collected from Sketch Engine and the event poster as the final activity.