
Lesson 2 development

So many things in a day

Woman using a computer at a desk
Figure 2. Person using a computer at a desk by Ekaterina Bolovtsova on Pexels. Retrieved on January 24, 2023.

Introduction (contextualisation)

  5 mins            Teacher-Learners

Discussion about learners’ routine.

  5-10 mins            Learners-Learners

In small groups, learners compare their daily routines to identify 3 similarities and 3 differences.

  5 mins            Teacher-Learners

Groups share their information with the whole class.

Introduction (prior knowledge)

  5-10 mins            Learners-Learners

Still in groups, learners brainstorm possible uses and combinations with the verbs be, get, have, put and take in the context of daily/routine activities. They are only expected to make these relationships based on their previous knowledge – without using corpora at this stage.

  5 mins            Teacher-Learners

Groups share some possible combinations with the whole class.

Development (corpus research)

  15 mins            Teacher-Learners

Learners get to know how to use SKELL (reading concordance lines and understanding the word sketch function). Remember that word sketch only works with single words.

  20 mins            Learners-Learners

In pairs or groups of three, learners use SKELL to search for possible combinations with the verbs be, get, have, put and take.

  5-10 mins            Teacher-Learners

Pairs or trios share the combinations found with the whole class. The meanings of the combinations are discussed.

Application (use in sentences)

  5 mins            Learners-Learners

Still in pairs or trios, learners discuss which combinations apply to each others’ daily routines.

  10 mins            Individual

Learners use these combinations to write sentences that describe their daily routine/activities.

Conclusion (discussion)

  10 mins            Teacher-Learners

Learners share some of their sentences with the whole class to identify peers who have done the same activity.

Teacher provides learners with feedback and discusses their opinions in the class and SKELL.


Teacher assesses learning based on learners’ participation during class, the combinations they found on SKELL and the sentences they have written at the ‘application stage’.