
Lesson 9 development

Is this love?

Book with pages folded in the shape of a heart
Figure 2. Heart Book Art on Bokeh Photography by Rahul Pandit via Pexels. Retrieved on January 30, 2023.

Introduction (prior knowledge)

  10 mins            Teacher-Learners

Teacher begins the lesson with a brainstorming activity using the word ‘love’.

Introduction (getting to know Corpora Lancs)

  45 mins            Teacher-Learners / Learners-Learners

Teacher then walks learners through the website BNCLab and Activity 1, showing learners how to use the website for Activity 4.

Learners share the information they found and their conclusions with the whole class.

Development and Application (corpus research)

  15 mins            Teacher-Learners

In part 2, teacher introduces the theme again by asking learner to come up with their own definitions of love. Teacher asks learners to discuss it in groups and then share it with the whole class.

  35 mins            Learners-Learners

Learners access the website Ted Ed and watch the video What is love?

Was the definition similar or different from the ones learners had come up with? While learners are still in groups, the teacher explains the activities of the website. Learners watch the video again and answer the questions.

Development and Application (corpus research)

  20 mins            Learners-Learners

In the next stage, they learn how to use YouTube to copy the video transcript. With the transcription in hand, they use the website VersaText to investigate the terms found. Through the use of the concordance lines, the teacher asks learners what they can conclude about the content from the video.

Suggestion: Learners do Activity 2 as homework. If learners do Activity 2 as homework, the next part of the lesson can begin with a discussion of the results (it is important to note that the teacher should explain the steps described above so that the learners can do Activity 2 as homework).


  20 mins            Learners-Learners

If learners do Activity 2 as homework, it is recommended that the next part of the lesson begins with a discussion of the results.

If Activity 2 is completed during the class, the teacher can start the next part of the lesson with the 90 Days song video clip. Based on the clip, ask learners for information about the singer Pink (please follow the same procedure if you have chosen to use the song Exile).

Then, learners do a listening comprehension activity of the song using the Lyrics Training website.

  30 mins            Learners-Learners

In groups, learners look for the song lyrics in English and use the website VersaText to answer questions 3, 4 and 5. Learners then have a general discussion regarding their conclusions.


  20 mins            Teacher-Learners

The teacher provides learners with feedback and discusses learners’ role during the activities.


Learners are continuously assessed as they complete each activity. The final outcome (it could be done in a presentation format) is learners’ critical analysis of the class topic based on the data obtained in the activities.