
117 Letter from Brenda Boonabaana


Dear Future Women Tourism Researchers,

I hope each one of you is looking forward to enjoying your tourism research career!

I believe there is no one that succeeds in what they choose to do without working hard, and understanding the requirements for succeeding in a particular field of work. While taking on the tourism research career does not come very easily, there are certain things one should be able to consider to make their career journey less difficult. Below are some tips that you might find helpful in your career:

Keep reflecting on the core motivation of your career choice and put your mind on the big picture. I have come to realise that researching issues that one is passionate about sustains one’s momentum to advance knowledge and discover great ideas. I believe we have different motivational factors, so it’s critical that one keeps track on the “push button” into the tourism research field. One should also be able to continuously ask questions on why they are doing tourism research and for who, so that they keep linking their work to the bigger picture.

Another tip relates to connecting with like-minded scholars by attending conferences and symposia at different levels, to share constructive comments about their ongoing and future works. In addition, keep open minded, respect other people’s views and share your ideas with confidence. This is quite energizing and helpful. Please share your work with your students because some could become your future academic mentees.

Secondly, work-life balance is critical for your health and productivity. As the saying goes that there is “time for everything,” plan time to enjoy your favourite movie, game, or any activity that relaxes your mind. A relaxed mind facilitates conducting quality research.

I should also mention that when challenges come by in the course of your tourism career, embrace them and look at them as part of life.  Try not to give up but to find solutions to overcome them, and bounce back. Keep picking up yourself, and do not hesitate to seek support from family, mentors, peers, colleagues or friends, that you feel comfortable to approach. I find mentorship to be a valuable opportunity for young scholars.

I end by noting that every day in one’s tourism career should be an opportunity to identify new ideas and insights that add value to the world.

I wish you the best!


Brenda Boonabaana

Makerere University, Uganda

& the University of Texas at Austin, USA


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