94 MOUNTAINS AND TOURISM – Contributions by Carla Silva
Tourism is an encounter between people and between people and places. Some places tell stories, and that is often the story itself, like the mountain places.
The first study about mountains was carried out in the context of the master thesis in Social Sciences. From a Sociology of Tourism perspective, it seems interesting to analyse the fascination with mountains. So, the purpose of the study was to measure push motivations that drive the choice of mountains as a tourism destination. Findings reveal that the main motivations were adventure, excitement, social knowledge, and prestige (Silva, Abrantes & Lages, 2009). Tourists who travel to mountains seek adventure experiences to test personal limits through risk perception, intense sensations and challenge-seeking (Pomfret, 2006). Also, I want to pursue new social and learning experiences. Tourists want to live in the authenticity of places and mountains, which provide social opportunities and ways of life that are very different from tourists’ routine lives, and to acquire knowledge and authentic social relations (McCooll, 2002). Moreover, tourists are motivated by a desire to impress others by choosing prestigious destinations. Through their unique natural environment, majestic landscapes, and high reputation, mountains are fashionable places and prestigious destinations that attract tourists who seek status enhancement, social recognition, and the promotion of their selves (Silva, Abrantes & Lages, 2009).
The image and symbolic value of mountains can be the core of their tourist attractiveness (Nepal & Chipeniuk, 2005). Mountains are cultural, natural, social, and physical socially, cognitively, and emotionally constructed spaces. Thus, an extensive literature review was undertaken to provide an interesting overview of mountains’ social and cultural meanings over time (Silva, Kastenholz & Abrantes, 2011). This is the story: at the beginning of human history, and for many centuries, the mountain was seen as remote, dangerous, wild and space with no appeal (Veyret, 2001). Mountain regions’ unknown and physical conditions have strengthened their mythical and supernatural representations, making them magical places of shelter for fantastic animals, wizards, witches and evil spirits. This negativist view radically changed in the 18th century with the Romantic movement, which turned them into desirable places and objects of aesthetic admiration, veneration and inspiration (Kwa, 2005; Skrapits, 2000; Zaring, 1977). Moreover, mountains were (and are) symbolically linked to spiritual rising. Also known as “cathedrals of the world (Mathieu, 2006), mountains were perceived as sacred places and sources of spiritual renewal (Jokinen & Veijola, 2003). The rise and proximity of the mountain to the sky brought them close contact with the divine and made them a path to spiritual perfection. Even today, mountains are viewed as sacred and powerful spaces, spiritual centres and sources of inspiration (Godd et al., 2000). However, the social meaning of mountains combines mountains with adventure sports, particularly climbing, which assumes a strong symbolic value in society. The climbing experience makes individuals rise to the top and allows them to look at the world from above. Conquering and overcoming the mountain is admirable and prestigious to the person and the society. With time and medical progress, mountains gain a relevant meaning as places of physical and psychological regeneration. Characterised by the profound natural beauty of its sceneries (Nepal, 2008), the mountain has become a symbolic expression of the landscape and an environmental sanctuary of nature (Veyret, 2001). Being powerful symbols of non-domesticated landscapes and untouched by the corrupt hand of Man, mountains are the last guardians of authenticity (Schneider, 2007).
This extensive literature review led to the study of the mountain destination image, which shaped the focus of a doctoral thesis in Tourism between 2009 and 2011. So, insights from an empirical study of 315 tourists and 315 residents undertaken in European Mountains Destinations – the Serra da Estrela (Portugal), The Alps (France, Austria and Switzerland) and the Peaks of Europe (Spain) – indicate that the multi- dimension scale incorporates five mountain image dimensions held by tourists: (1) historic-cultural, (2) natural/ecological, (3) social and prestige, (4) sport and leisure, and (5) effective; and three images’ dimensions held by residents: 1) mystique/sacred, (2) historic-cultural and (3) effective. The content analysis of open-ended questions reinforces these results but reveals “life and health” as a significant dimension of the mountain image to residents. The results reveal differences in the mountain destination image held by tourists and residents, suggesting five gaps: (1) natural/ecological, (2) sport and leisure and (3) social and prestige; that is, mountain image dimensions are significant only for tourists; and (4) mystique/sacred and (5) life and health, which are the mountain image dimensions significant only for residents (Silva, 2011; Silva, 2012; Silva, Kastenholz & Abrantes, 2015).
The doctoral thesis also allowed us to measure tourists’ and residents’ perceptions toward tourism development in mountain areas.
Mountain regions have become under multiple pressures and impacts challenging their ecosystems, cultural heritage and fragile social and economic structures. Results indicate that tourists’ perceptions focus on positive and negative sociocultural impacts and positive economic impacts but do not present significant results regarding environmental effects, maybe because tourists tend to consider environmental impacts as an international problem that needs to be solved globally, and therefore not feeling responsible for that (Silva, Kastenholz & Abrantes, 2013a).
On the other hand, the residents’ perceptions of tourism development in mountain areas distinguish positive social-cultural impacts, negative social impacts and positive and negative economic impacts. Socio-cultural impacts are thus standing out for tourists and residents, who share the place and significant experiences shaped by social interaction, which may be both positive and negative. Also, both perceive the positive economic impact of tourism, but the negative economic impacts are only understood by the local community, which is most affected by these impacts. Surprisingly, as in the case of tourists’ perceptions, there are no significant results concerning environmental effects. This may be a sign of a lack of environmental sensitivity, perhaps because of the distinct view and significance of mountains in their everyday life (Silva, Kastenholz & Abrantes, 2013b). This work won the Outstanding TMS Tourism and Management Studies International Conference 2018 Award.
Another theme studied within mountain regions was place attachment.
Research shows that people are attracted to natural environments for many reasons, and over time, they create and strengthen links with these natural spaces. Tourists’ experiences in natural areas like mountains offer a range of physical, psychological, and social benefits that may reinforce their emotional connections with these places, making them attractive and involving destinations. The results of a study carried out in European mountain destinations are in line with tourism literature. Tourists and residents establish different emotional bonds with mountain sites (Nepal & Chipeniuk, 2005). Due to their temporary permanence, tourists tend to be less territorially bonded, revealing less place attachment than local people (Silva, Kastenholz & Abrantes, 2013c). This study led to a conceptual work that discussed the link between mountain destination image and place attachment by summarising, systematising and debating the distinct, yet connected, image and place-attachment constructs. The conceptual framework developed pointed at a positive correlation between the natural/ecological image of mountains and place-affect; affective mountain image with place-affect and place-identity; historic-cultural mountain image with place-identity; social and prestigious mountain image with place-social bonding; and sport and leisure with place dependence (Silva, Kastenholz & Abrantes, 2018).
The prior research and previous studies motivated me to develop a new one, which was undertaken to extend the scope of analysis of tourism impacts, destination image and place-attachment studies. The aim was to combine these constructs in a single model, trying to understand the relationship between them through a structural equation model. The findings revealed that tourists’ perceptions of tourism development impacts in mountain areas influence the cognitive and affective mountain image. It also affects place attachment, influencing the affective mountain image (Silva, Kastenholz & Abrantes, 2013c).
All the research developed around mountains was mainly motivated by passion and intended to increase social, cultural and scientific knowledge of mountains and their value for humankind.
Mountains are all this and beyond. They are huge. Moreover, they are usually outstanding.
May future generations be guardians of the mountains, respecting, protecting and preserving them, ensuring the holistic wellbeing of humanity!
Written by Carla Silva, Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, Portugal
Godde, P., Price, M., & Zimmermann, F. (2000). Tourism development in mountain Regions: Moving forward into the new millennium. In P. Godde, M. Price, & F. Zimmermann, Tourism and development in mountain regions (pp. 1-25). CABI Publishing.
Jokinen, E., & Veijola, S. (2003). Mountains and landscapes: Towards embodied Visualities. In D. Crouch, & N. Lubbren, Visual, culture and tourism. Berg.
Kwa, C. (2005). Alexander von Humboldt’s invention of the natural landscape. The European Legacy, 10(2), 149-162.
McCool, S. (2002). Mountains and tourism: Meeting the challenges of sustainability in a messy world. Celebrating Mountains: Proceedings of an International Year of Mountain Conference, (pp. 311–318). Jindabyne, Australia.
Nepal, S. (2008). Residents’ attitudes to tourism in Central British Columbia, Canada. Tourism Geographies, 10(1), 42-65.
Nepal, S., & Chipeniuk, R. (2005). Mountain tourism: Toward a conceptual framework. Tourism Geographies, 7(3), 313-333.
Pomfret, G. (2006). Mountaineering adventure tourists: A conceptual framework. Tourism Management, 27, 113-119.
Schneider, J. (2007). The age of romanticism. Greenwood Press.
Silva, C., Abrantes, J., & Lages, C. (2009). Push motivations for tourism mountain destinations. In A. Fyall, M. Kozak, L. Andreu, J. Gnoth, & S. Sibila, Marketing Innovations for Sustainable Destinations. Goodfellow Publishers.
Silva, C. (2011). A imagem dos destinos turísticos de montanha: Olhares de residentes e de turistas. Doctoral Thesis. Universidade de Aveiro.
Silva, C., Kastenholz, E. & Abrantes, J.L. (2011). An overview of social and cultural meanings of mountains and implications of mountain destination marketing. Journal of Tourism 12(2): 73-90.
Silva, C. (2012). Mountain destination image held by residents and tourists. European Journal of Tourism Research, 5(2): 176–181.
Silva, C., Kastenholz, E. & Abrantes, J.L. (2013a). Tourists’ perceptions of tourism development in nature areas. In M. Kozak, L. Andreu, J. Gnoth, S. Sibila & A. Fyall. Tourism Marketing: On Both Sides of the Counter (80-97). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Silva, C., Kastenholz E. & Abrantes, J.L. (2013b). Measuring tourists’ and residents’ perceptions toward tourism development in mountain areas. Proceedings of ORTE 2013 – International Conference on Rural Tourism (p. 895-907). Universidade de Aveiro.
Silva, C., Kastenholz, E. & Abrantes, J.L. (2013c). Place-attachment, destination image and impacts of tourism in mountain destinations. Anatolia 24(1): 17-29.
Silva, C., Kastenholz, E. & Abrantes, J.L. (2015). Residents’ perceptions of mountain destinations. In Antónia Correia, Juergen Gnoth, Metin Kozak, Alan Fyall (ed.) Marketing Places and Spaces (Advances in Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, Volume 10) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.19 – 31.
Silva, C., Kastenholz, E. & Abrantes, J.L. (2018). Linking mountain image with place attachment. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, VI(2), 140-152.
Skrapits, J. (2000) Sacred scenery. American Artist, 64, 26-34.
Veyret, Y. (2001). Les montagnes. Discours et enjeux géographiques. Liège: SEDES, DIEM.
Zaring, J. (1977). The romantic face of Wales. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 67(3), 397–418.